
It truly was a Good Friday at the Roundhouse!

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It truly was a Good Friday at Roundhouse Park as work progressed on several fronts as volunteers applied themselves to the tasks at hand.
At the upper left, we find some visitors talking pictures of #4803 as she sits on the turntable impressing all who visit. Next we find Grant Kingsland of the Toronto Locomotive Preservation Society continuing their decades long mission to maintain #6213. Here he is seen greasing the running gear so that we can continue to easily move the locomotive around the park without damaging it. Next, we find a TRHA volunteer enjoying the great weather as he ballasts the area around the miniature railway turntable.
In two of the pictures below, we find volunteers applying a first coat of “maintenance of way” yellow paint to the Pyke Crane. Thes volunteers had spent many hours preparing its graffiti laden surfaces for the repaint. In the last photo below, we peek inside miniature railway train shed to watch progress there and see that three of the TRHC passenger cars have setlled in nicely.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Stephen Gardiner
