
A Great Week of Progress & Thanks to our Volunteer Photographers!

Click on each image for a closer look!
Our volunteers are doing an incredible job of documenting the dramatic progress in the evolution of the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre with their avid use of their digital cameras. We all too often take this photographic work for granted as we enjoy the images of everyone hard at work and view the great results of their efforts.
This came to mind as I struggled a bit to publish a weekend report (I am reluctant to publish without pictures!) as our volunteer photographers were either out on Easter Egg Hunts or just too busy to stop and take pictures. There were some exceptions and the posts earlier this week covered some of the action of the past week.
So there are two reasons for this post. The first is to reassure everyone that our volunteer teams have been hard at work every day for the past week or so and real progress is being made. The second is to specifically thank everyone who has been taking pictures and allowing the TRHA to share these images with the world online.
The pictures accompanying this posting simply provide all of you with a few different views of the current state of Roundhouse Park. One of our volunteers must be an artist at heart and rearranged the steel brackets in the image above into quite an artistic expression. Below we find visitor Tom Stewart of the Golden Horseshoe Live Steamers of Hamilton holding the newly painted control panels for our F7 Cab.
Posting and pictures by Russ Milland
