
Doors Open – Interpreting #6213

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Continuing with our coverage of the May 29th and 30th opening weekend of the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre (TRHC), we turn our attention to the activities surrounding our CNR Northern 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive #6213 in Roundhouse Park. #6213’s story is told elsewhere on our website.
As shown in the upepr right image, members of the Toronto Locomotive Preservation Society (TLPS) prepared the locomotive for display during Doors Open. Access to the cab was provided throughout the weekend with a member of the TLPS interpreting it to visitors. Above we also see one of the many Doors Open volunteers who generously made their time available to help with managing the long queues of visitors at our many exhibits.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Thomas Blampied & Russ Milland
