
Field Trip Report: The Milton Steam Era Event – Part 2

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As noted in our last TRHA News posting, an intrepid crew of TRHA volunteers led by Michael Guy attended the Milton Steam Era event where they operated the massive steam tractor shown at the upper left photo. At the upper right, we find Michael and Jon enjoying a fine meal cooked in the smokebox of the steam tractor. In the middle photo above, we find the tractor in operation traveling around the grounds. At any one moment during the event, one could find a number of these steam tractors in operation on the grounds, often pulling wagon loads of happy visitors.
For part of the four day event, the tractor was also used to power a sawmill through the use of a long belt as shown in the photos below. Throughout the weekend there were demonstrations underway of the sawmill in operation. In the final photo at the lower right, we see a shot of the traditional “spark shows’ put on by the steam tractor operators each evening.
Click here to read Part 3 of this series.
Posting by Russ Milland, Pictures by Jon Hull and Wilson Lau
