
The Passing of John Bowles of Toronto & York Division of the CRHA

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The Toronto Railway Historical Association sadly acknowledges the recent passing of John Bowles on Thursday evening, November 18. John had long been a member of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association Toronto & York Division.
At the time of his passing John was the editor of the T&Y monthly newsletter “Turnout.” His brother Paul Bowles is the president of the division. John was on his way to a T&Y meeting on board the Carlton streetcar when he suffered a fatal heart attack at age 67. In that sense John died “in harness” while doing what he loved and joining some other illustrious railfans such as J. Norman Lowe and Andrew Merrilees, who passed away in similar circumstances.

I always found John to be a warm and friendly man always always made me feel welcome at the many T&Y meetings that I have presented to over the years. The board of the TRHA and its members express our condolences to John’s family and to his many friends at Toronto & York. Funeral arrangements can be found by clicking here.

In the image above, John is on the far left standing beside his brother Paul in this photo taken recently while on a railfan excursion to the U.S.
Posting and image by Derek Boles
