
A busy holiday week at the Roundhouse ….

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Many of our volunteers have taken a well deserved rest and are away with their friends and family enjoying the holiday season. But some have taken advantage of this week to continue to work on projects at the Roundhouse.
This week a number of projects were moved forward.

  • A re-manufactured rear axle assembly is now back in place under Romulus miniature steam locomotive. Romulus was successfully run on compressed air, auguring well for a planned test run on New Year’s Day.
  • Our teams also now have all of the power outlets in Don Station working with full lighting as well in all of the rooms except the power closet.
  • Our volunteers were also at work continuing to restore the windows on the U33C Simulator as well.
  • Tom Murison and his crew have finished stripping the Cape Race’s old roof and are now working on rebuilding the wooden roof components while our volunteers worked at disposing of the old roofing materials and began the job of painting the steel infrastructure. Tom showed us the redwood that was used in the original roof construction. Redwood is very susceptible to dry rot if moisture gets into the wood. Over the years, this moisture resulted in extensive damage to the roof of the Cape Race forcing us to replace almost all of it.

Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Russ Milland and Michael Guy
