
Weekend Report: The F7 gains sight and sound!

Click on each image for a closer look!

Our TRHA volunteers turned out in sufficient force this weekend to be able to address projects beyond the need to man our miniature railway and operate it for the benefit of our museum visitors.

Here is a list that Stephen Gardiner has offered us of some of the many tasks undertaken by this enthusiastic crew:

  • Work on the cylinder drain cocks and injectors on the Sweet Creek locomotive
  • Repairing the starter cord on Mini-Whitcomb
  • Test running of 3 of the 4 new passenger cars
  • Installing foot board rubber on all four new cars and finishing the steel trim
  • Installing seating on the 4th passenger car
  • Fine tuning the track in some key spots
  • Installing fireman’s side interior cab panels on the F7 cab
  • Cleaning newly acquired air horns for the F7 Cab
  • Installing the newly acquired headlight assembly for the F7 Cab
  • Adjusting the new fences around 6213
  • Installing a prominent sign above the First Aid Station

Barry Silverthorn donated the F7 Cab to the museum several years ago. Last week he generously offered us the F7 air horns and the F7 headlight assembly on a long term loan thereby giving us the opportunity to add sight and sound to our F7 Cab. These are shown in the photos above along with the newly re-panelled side of the F7 Cab.

Posting by Russ Milland; Photos by Stephen Gardiner
