
Field Trips: Railway Photos by Marilyn Cornwell – Part 2 of 2

Click on each image for a closer look!

Continuing with our sharing of Marilyn Cornwell’s dramatic pictures of railway subjects, we offer four more images here. I asked Marilyn what her secret was in processing her images to get such spectacular results and she offered:

“The processing of these images starts with 3 images of 2 stop exposures, processed in Photomatix’s High Dynamic Range (HDR) software. Then attention is turned to contrast, detail, and colour adjustments, using Topaz’s Adjust Filters. These adjustments are painted into various sections of the images to guide the focus of the image. It’s all worth it to bring beauty to the steam era of locomotives.”

Intrigued, I “googled “ each of the two pieces of software that she uses and found the following at their websites. Check out their websites to see before and after examples of the use of these techniques.

What is Photomatix?

“Photomatix is photography software targeted at all photography enthusiasts. Its purpose is to combine three images of different contrast and extract the positive features from each one, the end result being a photograph of exceptional detail. As each contrast exposes different detail the final product is almost always stunning with an impressive ‘wow’ factor, regardless of the photographs composition and subject. It has been a long time since such a breakthrough was made in photography and you will find High Dynamic Range (HDR) images creating a storm on all of your favourite websites and within all of your favourite magazines. The majority of these photographs were post-processed in Photomatix however a far-less dramatic effect can be performed in Adobe Photoshop although the results are usually very poor by comparison.”

What are Topaz Adjust Filters?

“Topaz Adjust makes it quick and easy to create stunning and dynamic enhancements that will instantly make your images pop with detail, color and depth. From subtle, realistic adjustments, that will make your image look as real or as true-to-life as possible, to artistic HDR effects that blur the difference between reality and illusion, Topaz Adjust is your one-stop post processing shop. With one shot and Topaz Adjust it is easy to create many looks.”

Again, if you enjoy her work, visit her website by clicking here and use the “contact me” page to be added to her distribution list. Each day, she issues an e-mail with one of her lovely images to enjoy. The beauty of these nature images sure gets my day off to a great start!

Posting by Russ Milland; Images by Marilyn Cornwell
