
Artefacts: Capturing images of the air compressor system!

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When you visit Roundhouse Park, you no doubt have noticed that there several large silver storage tanks positioned along the back side of the roundhouse. You may also have noted that you turntable has been authentically restored to run on compressed air (using a modern large compressor) just as it did originally. The silver storage tanks were used to hold the compressed air for use to operate the turntable as well as throughout the Roundhouse for various purposes.

In the northwest corner of the machine shop area there is a large room containing a large electrical control panel along one wall as well as two large electrical motors and two massive air compressors. These were used to compress the air which was stored in the tanks and then used as needed.

We are preparing to dis-asssemble and store all of these artefacts as the machine shop area will soon begin to be rebuilt and restored. To ensure that we can figure out how to reassemble the system in the future, Stephen Gardiner, one of our volunteers, has recently taken hundreds of pictures of the system for use as reference when we rebuild them. He also captured some very attractive images of parts of the system which we have included here in this TRHA News posting.

Posting by Russ Milland; Images by Stephen Gardiner
