
Traintalk.TV – A web resource for all railfans and modellers

One of our volunteers, Bob Dickson, brought to our attention a great resource for train lovers everywhere – www.traintalk.tv. The web-based resource is produced out of Calgary, Alberta by Neil Enock. As it says on their website:

“Train Talk is a project of Neil Enock, a long-time train buff. Neil started in HO when he was a kid and has been a modeler in various gauges since them. Past President of the Alberta Model Engineering Society, a live steam group in Airdrie, Alberta, Neil is currently a fan of … well… All Things Train, and it just seemed like a good idea.”

He provides us with a wealth of information through many different media channels including weekly newsletters, videos and podcasts. Visit their website by clicking here.

Below is one of his recent video podcasts featuring CP’s Royal Hudson #2816 starting out on this summer’s tour of Western Canada.

Posting by Russ Milland
