
Weekend Report – Sunday Thunderstorms and Steam

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On Sunday, we started as usual around noon with the mini-Whitcomb locomotive doing duty pulling passengers but we were operating under threatening skies. We also offered turntable and handcar rides. Our Sweet Creek steam engine made an appearance for a while until the thunderstorm and deluge that appeared at 3:00 p.m. sent everyone scurrying into Don Station for cover. After the skies cleared we restarted our operations again and continued until quitting time at 5:20 p.m. The volume of riders was down from Saturday but it was still quite a successful day.

In the pictures above, we find a train order signal system similar to that described in our last TRHA News posting mounted on a mast beside the miniature railway tracks on the approach into Don Station. Below we find work continuing on the restoration of the TH&B caboose. Finally, below we find one of the new plaques which we have assembled for each of our engines and pieces of rolling stock mounted on the full size CLC Whitcomb locomotive.

Posting by Russ Milland; Images by Lance Gleich
