
Weekend Report – A beautiful sunny Sunday in Roundhouse Park

After a very rainy Saturday with sheets of rain coming down most of the day curtailing our outdoor operations and attendance in Roundhouse Park, Sunday dawned as a much more hospitable day. Many of our volunteers turned their attention to resuming the operations in Roundhouse Park. The interpretation of the Railway Village and rides on our miniature railway drew crowds of people.

Elsewhere in the Park, a joint effort between some of our volunteers and Leon’s staff worked at cleaning up the area around Leon’s and repositioning equipment, flower boxes and banner flags elsewhere in preparation for a major event that Leon’s is holding this week.The area looks a whole lot better now and we are very pleased.  The CNR #6213 steam engine and the Pyke crane now have their respective interpretive plaques close by on posts. 
As shown below, our volunteers also worked on further evolving our Lego railway display as well as the task of removing the Cape Race observation end diaphragm to make it available for restoration.  Also included below is a photo of the current state of construction of the Toronto Hydro substation.
Posting by Russ Milland; Photos by Lance Gleich and Michael Guy
Click on each image for a closer look!