
Field Report: In Search of the Newfie Bullet – Part 1

This past summer, my wife and I spent three weeks in Newfoundland as her father was born in a small outport there and she had never been able to visit until this summer.

Naturally, I dug in and did as much research as I could about the famed Newfoundland Railway – the home of the Newfie Bullet which carried passengers from St. John’s, the capital, to Port Aux Basques on the west coast.

The 42″ narrow gauge railway was born in 1881 and died 107 years later in 1988.  The route across Newfoundland was a tortuous one and there was very little straight track.

In subsequent postings, I will share some of the railway images I captured as my wife and I traveled 4,200 kilometres in two of those three weeks and took 5,700 photographs.  Everywhere you turn in Newfoundland, a great picture opportunity awaits.

Click here to read Part 2 of this posting.

Click on each image for a closer look!
