
A busy weekend in Roundhouse Park!

The Saturday of this weekend was an especially busy one in Roundhouse Park as Steam Whistle Brewing hosted its annual Winter Craft Beer Festival with large crowds attending the sold out event.

Inside the Roundhouse, work continued on the restoration of the newly acquired CN Caboose.

The day concluded with the third in a series of three lectures presented by Derek Boles, our Toronto Railway Museum historian.  His topic was the history of the John Street Roundhouse itself. Despite the audience being 50 people in total, everyone was provided a very comfortable seating thanks to Leon’s at the Roundhouse who generously provided their event space and comfortable furniture for this well received presentation.  

Posting by Russ Milland; Images by Russ Milland and Lance Gleich

Click on each image for a closer look!

Winter Craft Beer Festival
Winter Craft Beer Festival
Winter Craft Beer Festival
Winter Craft Beer Festival
Working on the CN Caboose
Working on the CN Caboose
A wall of images! 
Comfort courtesy of Leon’s