Weekend Report: Opening Up New Fronts! - Part 2 of 3

As can be seen in the photographs above, work on the TH&B caboose is proceeding very nicely with the wall reconstruction nearly complete. Remember that this caboose had a wooden structure with a metal sheathed exterior so lots of woodwork was needed to restore it.
Below, we also see that the development of the miniature model of our CLC Whitcomb is proceeding as time permits with its now having a fine front grill in place at both ends. A team of volunteers also worked on the Sweet Creek steam engine's wiring, cleaning of the Romulus chassis and reworking of the boiler (see below). Work also began on completing the miniature railway depot which will be the topic of our next post.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Stephen Gardiner & Lance Gleich

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