Weekend Report: Progress on Several Fronts!

It was a very productive Saturday for us today! I believe we had a total of 10 people.
A crew of four removed old structural wood from the west side of the caboose and prepared new wood. The entire steel sheathing on the one side has been primed and treated, and a full three-quarters of the vertical wood pieces are either installed or just about ready to install. All that is left is the horizontal stringer to be notched and placed. Much of the scrap wood that was in the caboose has also been cleaned out.
Another pair of volunteers were hard at work bringing several long sections of rail into the stalls from storage under the water tower and then straightening them to prepare them for installation in the miniature railway depot.
Two of us continued to work on the F7 diesle cab. We managed to get both sheets of the main floor prepared and installed. We also cleaned up many of the sharp edges that were located throughout the cab and in the future seating area. A couple of locations still feel a bit on the "soft" side, but the vast majority of the floor is as solid as it was before, if not more so. We also sanded and began painting the nose steps. They should be finished for next weekend.
Posting by Dan Garcia; Pictures by Bob Dickson,, Lance Gleich, Stephen Gardiner and James Rasor

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