CN F7 #9159 - A 58 Year Journey - Part 1 of Several

Given the tremendous advances in computer based systems technology, a key feature of modern museums are interactive exhibits which involve the visitor. Our miniature railway is an example of such an interactive experience. Another key element planned for the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre is a full sized railway simulation system using an actual diesel cab integrated with modern computer-based railway simulations software. In this series of TRHA News posts, we will track the progress so far and the history of the diesel cab which we plan to use for this purpose. In the picture at upper left we see an example of such a museum display of an F7 cab.
The cab that we are planning to use is being donated to the museum by Barry Silverthorn. Here is the story as told by Barry of the cab and the engine of which it was a part:
"Originally numbered 9038, the F7 numbered 9159 was built in June of 1951 at General Motors Diesel in London, Ontario, Canada, during the first year of the plant's operation. In the photo in the middle above we see an F7 in the gold and green livery that CN used at that time. The locomotive was rebuilt in the early-70's and painted in the CN's new "zebra-stripe" scheme as seen in the photo at the above right.
After 40 years in both freight and passenger service between Quebec and British Columbia, the unit was scrapped in the spring of 1991. I purchased the cab and pilot from Century Locomotive Parts near Montreal, Quebec. The cab is show in the photos below. I had the cab trucked to Waterford, Ontario as shown in the picture at the right below."
To be Continued
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Barry Silverthorn

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