New E-Book - The Relocation of CNR 6213 to Roundhouse Park!

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Michael Guy has provided us with the above dramatic shot of #6213. He reports that it is "a night photo of 6213 floodlit on the turntable with the city lights behind. Superimposed is a multiple reflection of the Leon's roundhouse store interior showing the wood columns and roof. This is one shot taken from inside the glass with a Nikon P80 with a 4.7mm lens at f/2.8, 1/15 sec." Below we also have a recent pair of fine pictures of #6213 in repose at the CPR Roundhouse by Lance Gleich.
These are timely pictures as the TRHA is also proud to introduce a fine 12 page e-book (electronic book) prepared for us by Richard McQuade with the assistance of R. Sandusky, G. Kingsland and B. Dickson to commemorate the move of #6213 from the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) Grounds to its new home at the John St. CPR Roundhouse in 2009. We thank all of the owners of the photos in the e-book for their permission to use them.
To view, download or print this e-book, visit our new Resources page on the TRHA website by clicking here.
Posting by Russ Milland

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