Topping off the Rim of the Turntable!

Since this activity happened on June 5th a week ago, this news is almost a historical footnote but the 6213 move news took precedence for a few days.
With the radial tracks all laid, it was time to top off the rim of the turntable with a concrete lip. In the picture at the above left, we find a concrete truck using the turntable bridge to reach all sides of the turntable. The turntable has turned out to be a useful "construction vehicle". In the middle picture we see the finished turntable lip. At the right we find TRHA volunteers carefully crossing the new concrete turntable lip as they move pallets of miniature railway ties out of the roundhouse to ready them for use in the imminent miniature railway track construction and to clear the three museum bays for restoration.
Posting by Russ Milland; Pictures by Dave Wetherald, Lance Gleich and James Rasor
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